This is the basic company information. The company provides additional detailed information, such as website, fax and telephone numbers, contact persons, history and company data.
To get access to this information or for printout of the company profile, you need to have a valid "Profile Access" to Information for booking are available at Price Info .
Contact Info
Address | Comascotec 6 Rue Masséna 69006 Lyon |
Country | France |
Get in contact with Comascotec |
Products or Machinery
To the flat glass or stone processing companies Comascotec proposes :
- Secondhand machines lists, available or in demand, overhauled or not.
- Technical advices and support to choose the right new machine in connection with your actual and future business.
- classified advs specialized on these makets (job offers or inquiries, secondhand machines, inquiries or sales for glass or stone processing companies.....).
- continuously news from the markets and 4 monthly newsletters
- glass or stone processing companies directories
- market suppliers directories
- main international fairs lists for glass or stone, marble and granite