VladVneshService (VVS)
Description Type Size  
Research of the Food Glassware market
Year 2009
PDF 220,334 byte show
Marketing research of the thermally polished glass PDF 231,221 byte show
Export from Russia
This is the format of providing the information about the export deliveries of Russian companies
PDF 154,508 byte show
Russia - analytic research of merchandise imports PDF 159,648 byte show
Ukraine - format of analysis the export traffic PDF 134,965 byte show
Ukraine - format of analysis the import traffic PDF 205,862 byte show
NEW!!! Research of thermally polished glass for 2009-2010.pdf PDF 134,071 byte show
Ready report about export deliveries of FLOAT GLASS by Russian companies
XLS 81,408 byte show
Import of FLOAT glass
Ready research about Russian import of FLOAT GLASS
XLS 471,552 byte show
NEW! Analysis of Glass Container Plants Equipment for Glass Container Production
We suggest You absolutely new marketing research «Analysis of Glass Container Plants
Equipment for Glass Container Production». The research was done by the leading branch experts and gives complete impression of the glass container equipment market state. It reveals the way the glass container plants equipment has been changing in time and its status now!
PDF 281,134 byte show
Acknowledgement from Saint-Gobain
That is the real review and assesment of our work from constant customer of VVS - Czech company Saint-Gobain Vertex S.R.O.
PDF 31,235 byte show
Article "Production of Glass Containers in 2009"
The analitics and experts of VVS wrote and published the new article about the results of the our research about cglass containers market in Russia.
PDF 336,935 byte show
Several growing glass and glassware markets survey (April - June 2010).pdf PDF 135,214 byte show
Sofia Bedova
Direct contact:

Sofia Bedova mailto:manager1@vvs.elcom.ru
Lead Sales Manager
mob. +7 (910) 181 24 80
ICQ: 561-392-695
Skype: vvs_manager3
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VVS - entered the TOP-5 of the BEST RESEARCH COMPANIES IN WORLD! JPG 269,627 byte show