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Contact Info
Address | Dow Corning Corporation Corporate Center 2200 W.Salzburg Road MIDLAND MI 48686-0994 |
Country | USA |
Products or Machinery
Silicon Feedstock - one of the only companies in the world to provide both metallurgical and semiconductor purity levels to the silicon metal value chain through both Dow Corning and our joint venture, Hemlock Semiconductor.
PV Cell Coatings - protective coatings specifically designed to provide durability and abrasion resistance required for consumer products and applications
Cell Encapsulants - proven durability and protection against corrosion and delamination - ideal for consumer goods PV applications
Junction Box Potting Agents - tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of PV applications, with new options for low-cost junction box design
Frame and Junction Box Sealants- designed to provide long-term weathering performance and adhesion for PV frame and junction box applications