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Contact Info
Address | EMERGE GLASS INDIA PVT. LTD. Plant RIICO Road, Indl. Area, Keshwana Rajput, Tehsil-Kotputli, Distt Jaipur (Rajasthan) 303 108 |
Country | India |
Get in contact with EMERGE GLASS INDIA PVT. LTD. |
Products or Machinery
The company is a leading manufacturer of-
Flat Glass
Lacquered Glass
Frosted Glass
Figured Glass
Emerge glass produces clear flat glass of the widest range right from 1 mm to 10 mm, with a capability of producing three different thickness at a time. The use of upgraded Glaverbel Technology enables to produce finest quality of Ultra Thin Flat Glass (1mm - 2mm). These Flat Glasses of varied thicknesses are used in photo frames, micro-slides, wall clocks, household windows and many other multipurpose usages.