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Contact Info
Address | Gravel Inc. 50 Lakeside Ave, Suite 740 Burlington VT 05401 |
Country | USA |
State | New Hampshire |
Get in contact with Gravel Inc. |
Products or Machinery
Foam Glass Gravel
Thermally insulating, load-bearing bulk aggregate made entirely from recycled glass.
Foam Glass Gravel offers the physical properties of glass in a lightweight and load-bearing aggregate. With Thermal insulation of R1.7 per compacted inch and compressive strength of 116psi, foam glass gravel is ideal for multiple applications in the construction industry.
For more detailed information on foam glass, find our Definitive Foam Glass Gravel Guide.
Glapor Foam Glass Boards
Closed cell, vapor tight foam glass boards made entirely from recycled glass.
Glapor Boards offers all the benefits of foam glass gravel in an annealed form. These boards boast a high R value and a variety of use applications in the built environment. Use the Glapor Board Edge System to insulate the exterior of a stem wall, as sub slab insulation, or as flat roof insulation. Create a super-insulated foundation by using Glapor foam glass boards with foam glass gravel.