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Contact Info
Address | L+T GASETECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Martener Straße 535 44379 Dortmund |
Country | Germany |
Get in contact with L+T GASETECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG |
Products or Machinery
For almost 40 years, LT GASETECHNIK, a member of the weyer group, is very well known in the market as manufacturers of gas mixing technique and gas safety devices.
During this period LT has accumulated comprehensive experience in engineering and construction of high-duty gas mixing stations, such as control stations for pressure and/or volume flow, dosing stations for single-gases, or stations to produce Gas Mixtures like N2/H2, SO2/N2, LNG/Propane, LPG/Air etc.
LT Gas mixing stations guarantee a 24 hour gas supply. To ensure an automatic switching-over, performed fully free from pressure peaks, the station is designed to full redundancy. The backup track is in a position to replace the regular gas mixing track at any time.
The flexible and modular-based plant and control system has proved itself over and over again. It allows best adaption to individual customer requirements.
Strong points of the LT Gas Mixing Stations:
- Totally redundant design regarding to gas inlet line, analysis system and control system
- Housed in an isolated and air-conditioned container which is suitable for temperatures from -40°C up to +60°C
- Highest level of safety: Electrical equipment available in Ex versions; also an advanced interlocking system and a gas warning system to detect potential risks are added
- High-grade analysis system for continuous control of gas mixture
- High, dynamic control of mixing precision by means of a delay-free connection in cascades of the analyzing measuring value
- In-house developed software program via SPC. Data transmission via analogue signals and/or digital bus system, integrated to the control room
- Minimum maintenance
- Additional pressure regulated track supplies pure Nitrogen to the tin.