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Contact Info
Address | Nafis Silicate Sepahan Company Isfahan, Najafabad, Najafabad2 industial zone Substation 6, Sheikh Bahay ave., Blvd. Amirkabir |
Country | Iran, Islamic Republic |
Get in contact with Nafis Silicate Sepahan Company |
Products or Machinery
Liquid Product Sodium Silicate
Soluble sodium silicate is solutions of water and soluble glasses that are made up of variable proportions of Nna2 Sio3 and Sio2.
Solid Sodium Silicate Adhesive
Sodium silicate is a combination of sodium oxide and silica, which is produced in different methods and with variable degrees of purity.
Sodium Meta-Silicate
It is a white and odorless powder that is used as a lubricant in ceramic, tile, detergent and glaze industries..