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Contact Info
Address | Nasir Glass Industries Limited Nagor Hawla Joina Bazar Sreepur Gazipur |
Country | Bangladesh |
Get in contact with Nasir Glass Industries Limited |
Products or Machinery
Float Glass : : 73,000 M.T./annum Shades : Clear, Coffee Bronze (light & deep), Dark Gray, Ocean Blue, Green. Tempered Sheets : Clear/Tinted/Coated: 154,560 m2 /_annum Coated/Reflective Sheets : Varieties of Shades on Clear/Tinted Glass : 670,000m2/annum including Mirrors Thickness Range : 3 mm to 1 2 mm (2mm also possible). Sizes of Glass Product cut on line Jumbo size : 96" x 144" Medium size : 84" x 144" / 84" x 72" Small size: 42" x 48" Developed & Designed by BangladeshEcom.Com The Quality: Conforming to NATIONAL STANDARDS Chinese GB 11614-1999 Float Glass (Clear) and Japanse JIS R 3202-1996 Float Glass (Clear).Conforming to NATIONAL STANDARDS Chinese GB/T 18701 –2002 Float Glass (Colored).