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Contact Info
Address | NUOVA FRATELLI DONDI s.r.l. Via Ragazzi del 99, n. 1 Casinalbo di Formigine 41043 MODENA |
Country | Italy |
Get in contact with NUOVA FRATELLI DONDI s.r.l. |
Products or Machinery
All Nuova F.lli Dondi´s products can be modified according to the client´s needs or designed expressly in compliance with project specifications.
The decision to extend the product range has lead to a substantial diversification of the company´s activities, which nowadays concentrate on the production of industrial brushes with innovative and patented products as well as professional products for private and public hygiene.
EXXIT SYSTEM is an entire range dedicated to public and private hygiene. It includes professional brooms, small brooms for indoor and outdoor use, shovels, dustpans, trolleys, etc. whose main feature is their ergonomics, since we care a lot about our customers´ health. While we were designing EXXIT SYSTEM, our attention was focused on the quality and durability of the materials used, on the interchangeability and the lightness of the different components, and on the ergonomics of the tool in order to encourage good posture for the user.
All our products are made in Italy.