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Contact Info
Address | Ori Mould Technology Co. Ltd. No.9 Yinhe Road, Southeast Development Zone, 215533 Changshu, Jiangsu |
Country | China (People´s Republic) |
Get in contact with Ori Mould Technology Co. Ltd. |
Products or Machinery
Our products are the moulds for glass bottles, jars and tablewares.
At present, we have 2 high-speed maching centers, 42 CNC lathes, 14 precise electric spark machines, 6 deep hole drilling machines, 1 CNC polishing machine, 15 polishing machines, 125 routine lathes( including planing laths, milling laths, drilling laths and grinding laths). All these machines are characterized with accuracy, safety and diversified functions.
We can design the mould also and manufacturing, and the regular Lead Time manufacturing the moulds is 3-6 weeks. Maybe we can provide you with the shorter Lead Time after our new factory is established in June this year.