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Contact Info
Address | Pittsburgh Corning CR, s.r.o. Owens Corning IP Verne, Průmyslová 3 Klášterec nad Ohří 431 51 |
Country | Czech Republic |
Get in contact with Pittsburgh Corning CR, s.r.o. |
Products or Machinery
Owens Corning FOAMGLAS®
In 2017, Owens Corning acquired Pittsburgh Corning whom manufacture a wide range of FOAMGLAS® cellular glass insulation products. With applications in both the construction and industrial sectors, FOAMGLAS® insulation products fit seamlessly into the existing Owens Corning’s activities around the world.
Pittsburgh Corning produces – FOAMGLAS® cellular glass; an insulation material with exceptional properties. FOAMGLAS® insulation is durable, lightweight, and provides excellent protection against heat and cold. It’s non-flammable, totally unaffected by water and water vapour, which are the biggest threats to insulation materials.