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Products or Machinery
Techno-economical feasibility reports for new glass projects.
Glass Plant engineering, design, construction and commissioning.
Glass furnace design.
Glass furnace construction, start-up and commissioning.
Glass plant Quality, Productivity and Cost reduction consulting.
Batch plant design and supply.
Supply of annealing and decorating Lehrs.
Supply of hot cullet scrapper and handling systems.
Raw-materials and Foreign Cullet processing plants design & Supply.
Supply of Reversing Systems, Furmace Pressure control dampers and Batch Chargers.
Glass Tank Optimisation with respect to energy, capacity utilisation, and forming freindly glass quality set-up.
Fore-hearth profiling and imroving glass conditioning efficiency.
Energy management for both Fuels & Power.
Combustion system design, supply for both liquid and gaseous fuels.
Complete glass plant Engineering with respect to Elecrical, Mechanical and Automation.