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Contact Info
Address | PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk (AMG) Cikampek Plant Bukit Indah Industrial Park (BIIP) Sektor 1A Blok J-L, Cikampek 41373 Jawa Barat CIKAMPEK |
Country | Indonesia |
Get in contact with PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk (AMG) |
Products or Machinery
Asahimas Automotive Glass Products
Wide range of product and solutions for various needs and added value
In 1985, AGC - Asahimas started automotive glass production in Japan. Our unique expertise covers the full supply chain from manufacturing the raw glass used for vehicle glazing, as well as repair glass for aftersales markets, and a large range of high value-added solutions aligned to new mobility needs. We are operating in 15 countries around the world, delivering our products to leading car manufacturers around the world.
Laminated Glass
Consist of two layers of glass laminated together with a film (PVB - Polyvinyl Butiral Film), which is very strong and tough. In a case of glass broke, the glass shard will still attached to the film. Glass fragments adhere into interlayer and reducing the risk of the flying shard of glass into the driver's eye Enable Driver clearly see the road because the fragments are only in the affected area of collision.
Tempered Glass
Hardened glass by heating process approximately until 6500C then cooling suddenly by spraying air on the glass surface. Tempered glass has 3 - 5 times stronger than raw glass at the same thickness. In a case of broken, Tempered glass will shattered into small unsharp fragmentation. It reduces significantly the risk of serious injury.