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Contact Info
Address | QEMETICA Glass ul. Zaganska 27 68120 Ilowa |
Country | Poland |
Get in contact with QEMETICA Glass |
Products or Machinery
Vitrosilicon S.A. is a service company, which has functioned within the Ciech Capital Group since 1999. The company’s business is based on production plants located in Ilowa and Zary . The company’s main business is production of: silicate products, decorative lanterns for candles and grave candles and glass blocks. The company’s main product groups include:
- glassy sodium silicate, produced in several varieties,
- glass lanterns (approx. 170 designs),
- jar-type glass packagings (approx. 30 assortments),
- sodium water glass,
- glassy potassium silicate,
- potassium water glass,
- glass blocks „ClaroGlass”