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Contact Info
Address | Saint-Gobain HanGlas Nanjing Inc. No. 21, South Xishanqiao Road Zhonghuamenwai Nanjing 210041 |
Country | China (People´s Republic) |
Get in contact with Saint-Gobain HanGlas Nanjing Inc. |
Products or Machinery
SGH CHINA proudly provides the Chinese market with:
High quality clear float glass, which is easy to cut, process and temper and which is one of the clearest float glasses available in the Chinese market today .
Solar control glasses in different color shades, and various performances characteristics (SGG COOL- LITE® range of products)
Advanced low-e glasses available in a temperable version (SGG PLANITHERM? range of products)
Multi function products combining both solar control and low-e glazing characteristics (SGG Cool-LITE K® range of products)
In addition, in order to offer the broadest range of glass products in China, al| products available from SAINT-GOBAIN can be imported including latest developments such as SGG BIOCLEAN®, the recently launched self-cleaning glass, o r SGG DIA MANT? the extra clear high transmittance float glass. Owing to the characteristics of energy-saving and comfort, they have been seen on the large-scale glass curtain wall and construction decoration.