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Contact Info
Address | Stikloporas Verpeju str. 22 Vieciunai village LT 66496 Druskininkai municipality |
Country | Lithuania |
Get in contact with Stikloporas |
Products or Machinery
FOAM GLASS – is the innovative, ecologically valuable material made from pure glass. Porous, non-organic aggregate is processed when recycled glass is milled, mixed with blowing agents and melted down in extremely high temperature. Foam glass granulate is unique for its granules structure, as this allows to keep air closed inside the pellet. This technology is known as the most developed technology, demonstrating the best thermo-isolating and deafening features. The variety of fractions of granulated foam glass allows its very wide application – it can be used as powdery insulation as well as make dry mixtures, light concrete, blocks, finishing plates, drainage, products of stone mass and etc.