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Contact Info
Address | Strainoptics 108 W. Montgomery Ave. 19454 North Wales, Pennsylvania |
Country | USA |
Get in contact with Strainoptics |
Products or Machinery
Strainoptics is a worldwide technology leader and the number one supplier of non-contact, non-destructive stress measurement instrumentation to the glass and plastics industries.
In addition to the internationally recognized GASP® surface polarimeter, our product line encompasses a complete range of instruments, from simple strain viewers and polarimeter systems to specialized on-line and off-line equipment for measuring stress and other optical properties in a wide range of materials, including:
§ Float glass
§ Architectural glass
§ Automotive glass
§ Electronic glass
§ Container glass
§ Optical/scientific glass
§ Plastic film
§ Molded products
§ Medical packaging
§ Medical devices