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Contact Info
Address | Superior Products Europe-France sas 23 La Bourgonnière 28340 La Chapelle Fortin |
Country | France |
Get in contact with Superior Products Europe-France sas |
Products or Machinery
Looking to import and distribute heat insulation glass coatings one can apply by SPRAYING ( not brushing or pouring !!)
We have an antislip coatring for glass !
We are the licensed distributor of an extensive range of multi-ceramic, high-technology coatings and products. We are distributing multi-ceramic, high technology coatings that insulate, protect, and preserve a variety of surfaces, metals, and construction materials.
Have a monocomponent anticorrosion coating for steel windows which resists for 15 to 20 years. Coating withstood salt spray test of 15.000 hours with ZERO corrosion !!