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Contact Info
Address | Termeca Choquenet Avenue d´Ecolys 2 Bte 14, 5020 Suarlée |
Country | Belgium |
Get in contact with Termeca Choquenet |
Products or Machinery
- Annealing tunnel system and mechanical drive with unique thermal and mechanical performance dedicated to your process, aiming at minimizing energy consumption and maximizing yields.
- Premix gas combustion system allowing high reduction of installed power of float bath aiming at CAPEX reduction.
- Complete range of tailor made float bath auxiliaries to suit your process, from architectural, automotive, ultra thin and borosilicate glass.
- Annealing tunnel system and mechanical drive with unique thermal and mechanical performance dedicated to your rolling process.
- Annealing tunnel system with belt drive equipped with premix combustion system.
- Heating and cooling process equipment for bending applications as well as moulds conveying system.
- Complete pre-firing furnace.
- Glass charging and discharging hardware along with full automation.
- Complete foaming furnace system for continuous foam glass process equipped with premix combustion system and belt drive system.
- Complete annealing tunnel system for continuous foam glass process equipped with adapted electrical heating system and belt drive system.