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Contact Info
Address | Vetreria Tacca Via Libero Grassi 4 26010 Bagnolo Cremasco (CR) |
Country | Italy |
Get in contact with Vetreria Tacca |
Products or Machinery
Vetreria Tacca produces certified insulating glass for industrial and residential use. In order to follow our client’s wishes at best, two specifics categories were born: Climavet Industry and Climavet Design, the former for pros; the latter for everybody.
We can manufacture windows, curtain walls, stairs and parapets, internals doors, glass units, platforms roofs, showers boxes and walkable areas studied for all residential typologies and, through company partners, we offer expert advices and specific solutions to every problems.
Our Forte is the SCREENLINE. We are one of the few italian companies able to manufacture Screenglass, the insulating glass with sun shading system integrated blind systems