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Contact Info
Address | Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V. (former PPG Industries Corp.) 400 Park Drive Cumberland Cty. Carlisle, PA 17013 |
Country | USA |
State | Pennsylvania |
Products or Machinery
The Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG Glass) plant in Carlisle, Pennsylvania manufactures flat glass for use in residential and commercial construction markets. Manufactures flat glass for use in residential and commercial construction markets. Product range includes Starphire Ultra-Clear® glass and both Solarban® solar control and Sungate® low-e glass.
PPG pioneered low-e glass coatings in the 1980s and has spent decades refining its low-e glass products. In fact, PPG holds more patents than any other manufacturer in the glass industry.
Introduced in 1992, PPG's Intercept “Warm-Edge” Spacers have become the industry’s most trusted and proven spacer system, used on more than 600 million windows in North America.