Updated worldwide glass market study 2024 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2024.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2024


Updated float glass study 2024


Further glass studies and reports 2024


The Glass Directory

Contact Info

Address Watlow Eurotherm
BN13 3PL West Sussex
Country United Kingdom
Phone 0044 1903 268 500
Fax 0044 845 1309 936
Email Get in contact with Watlow Eurotherm
Internet www.eurotherm.com/glass-manufacturing-process-solutions/
Employees 1200
Certificates ISO9001:2000 approved management system by LRQA TickIT protocols for software management
Year founded 1965

Contact Persons

Contact 1. Johann Lainer
Marketing Communications Manager Europe

Products or Machinery

Watlow® Smart Connected Thermal Systems Enhanced with Eurotherm® Precision Control

In 2022, Eurotherm® joined Watlow® bringing together two premier brands, offering our customers even more superior thermal solutions.

Eurotherm provides world-class temperature controllers, recorders and data acquisition systems and power controllers for multiple industries including semiconductor, glass, aerospace, automotive, life sciences and food and beverage. The company’s wide range of products offer industry-leading performance, unique control algorithms and recording and data management strategies that add value to industrial processes by improving quality, reducing waste and retaining data for as long as is needed.

Customers are supported with continuous research and development programs and the solutions are continually enhanced to meet modern challenges. Additionally, Eurotherm and Watlow offer a global sales and service network of highly qualified engineering personnel who understand the applications and industries we serve.

Eurotherm product portfolio includes:

PID Temperature Controllers Designed for Industrial Automation

  • Improve process efficiency
  • Enhance product quality
  • Minimize waste
  • Offer clear, user-friendly operator interfaces

Recorders and Data Acquisition – From Machine Data to Plant-Wide Information 

  • Help customers meet regulatory requirements
  • Provide high accuracy temperature measurement 
  • Offer tamper-resistant data storage
  • Ensure easy access to process records

Power Controllers

  • Improve process performance
  • Offer high-performance alarm strategies
  • Provide advanced diagnostic load fault detection
  • Cover many types of loads and voltages

Eurotherm also offers system solutions and engineering services including:

  • Discrete instrumentation, up to small and medium DCS systems
  • Collaborative specifications
  • System design
  • System engineering
  • Panel and cabinet building
  • System accuracy tests
  • Factory acceptance testing
  • On-site installation and wiring services
  • System installation, commissioning and start-up services
  • Validation IQ, OQ and PQ
  • Comprehensive project management
  • Complete project documentation
  • Network analysis
  • Custom reports
  • Analytics

Company Background / History

Watlow® is a global industrial technology company that uses its world-class engineering expertise, advanced thermal systems and manufacturing excellence to provide an array of temperature controllers, power controllers, heating technologies and temperature sensing platforms. In 2022, Watlow acquired Eurotherm® and can now offer its premium products including PID temperature controllers, recorders and data acquisition capabilities, solid state relays and power controllers, software and systems. Together with Eurotherm, Watlow brings its experience to a variety of industries including semiconductor, energy and environmental technologies, medical, glass, clinical, analytical, life sciences, to name a few.

Since 1922, Watlow has grown in product capability, market experience and global reach. The company holds more than 1,000 patents and employs more than 4,800 team members working in 13 manufacturing centers and seven advanced technology and development centers in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. Watlow covers 57 countries through sales and distribution offices around the world.